
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Prayer of Saint Francis - Quiz & study information

Dear Parents,

Please be aware that the students have been practicing the Prayer of Saint Francis for the month of January.  They have made special bookmarks to use to practice this prayer at home. They will need to practice this prayer as they will have a quiz on it the first week of February 2015. 

Book marks will be sent home January 28, 2015. 

Thank-you for all your support!

Building in Science!

The students have been having a blast building different structures and exploring different building materials. 

Students have used paper rolls to make a stable vase that can hold at least one flower. They have also build models of animals using clay to explore the design of stability and hold loads found in nature.  

Check out some of the pictures of students attempting to build the most stable tower using one of their own designs. We had a lot of fun! 

We are currently building model houses using the supplies you donated - Thank-you! In this experiment we have used the lessons learned from the famous story The Three Little Pigs to guide our material selection for building.  Each student is working with a partner to build a house that can withstand the "wolf" (me). I will be using an industrial sized fan, a hair dryer and spray bottle to test each house for stability and safety.  Stay tuned for pictures! 

Art Explorations - Mixing primary colours and shades

Students have been exploring what happens with primary colours and shades when they are mixed in different amounts.  One of their main projects for this unit of study was to create a picture using only the three primary colours! They were also given white as a shading tool. 

Each child was given a mixing tray of their own and they created some wonderful winter scenes. During LOC Day you will find them on our bulletin board!